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New UN websites & publications
UN in General
English: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115592
French: https://unric.org/fr/que-peut-faire-l-onu-reponses-a-cinq-de-vos-questions/
Spanish: https://news.un.org/es/story/2022/04/1506932
Danish: https://unric.org/da/hvad-kan-fn-goere-her-er-5-svar/
German: https://unric.org/de/060422-ukraine-un/
Greek: https://bit.ly/38rEEIE
Icelandic: https://unric.org/is/hvad-sameinudu-thjodirnar-geti-gert-til-ad-binda-enda-a-strid/
Italian: https://unric.org/it/cosa-puo-fare-lonu-la-risposta-a-5-delle-vostre-domande/
Portuguese: https://unric.org/pt/o-que-pode-a-onu-fazer-para-travar-uma-guerra-resposta-a-cinco-questoes/
UN General Assembly mandates meeting in wake of any Security Council veto
The UN General Assembly decided on 26 April 2022 to automatically meet within 10 days, if the veto is used in the Security Council by one of its five permanent members.
UN News Story
• English: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1116982
• French: https://news.un.org/fr/story/2022/04/1118942
• Spanish: https://news.un.org/es/story/2022/04/1507722
• Portuguese [BR]: https://news.un.org/pt/story/2022/04/1787252
Press Release
• English: https://www.un.org/press/en/2022/ga12417.doc.htm
• French: https://www.un.org/press/fr/2022/ag12417.doc.htm
Resolution A/RES/76/262
• English, French & Spanish: https://undocs.org/A/RES/76/262
• German: https://www.un.org/Depts/gv-76/band3/ar76262.pdf
Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance
The war in Ukraine, in all its dimensions, is producing alarming cascading effects to a world economy already battered by COVID-19 and climate change, with particularly dramatic impacts on developing countries. The world’s most vulnerable people can not become collateral damage.
In March 2022, the United Nations Secretary-General announced the establishment of a Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance facilitated by the UN Secretariat to coordinate the global response to the worldwide impacts of the war in Ukraine on global food, energy and finance systems. This brief is the result of the coordinated work of the Global Crisis Response Task Team, reporting to the Steering Committee of the Global Crisis Response Group.
UNRIC Library Backgrounder: Food Insecurity
This is the second report on the status of implementation of Youth2030, the UN Youth Strategy. The report highlights: how the UN system is advancing global commitments FOR and WITH youth; the impact of UN strategic planning; the availability of funding and coherence; and coordination on youth work. The report describes how global stewardship is strengthening system-wide accountability, ensuring that No Youth is Left Behind.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
The ACT-Accelerator: Two years of impact (WHO)
The COVID-19 pandemic and other recent large disease outbreaks have highlighted the extent to which health care settings can contribute to the spread of infections, harming patients, health workers and visitors, if insufficient attention is paid to infection prevention and control (IPC). But a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that where good hand hygiene and other cost-effective practices are followed, 70% of those infections can be prevented. Today, out of every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, seven patients in high-income countries and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection (HAI) during their hospital stay. On average, 1 in every 10 affected patients will die from their HAI. People in intensive care and newborns are particularly at risk. And the report reveals that approximately one in four hospital-treated sepsis cases and almost half of all cases of sepsis with organ dysfunction treated in adult intensive-care units are health care-associated. On the eve of World Hand Hygiene Day, WHO is previewing the first ever Global Report on Infection Prevention and Control which brings together evidence from scientific literature and various reports, and new data from WHO studies.
Economic Growth and Sustainable Development
2022 Financing for Sustainable Development Report: Bridging the Finance Divide
Global progress to reduce gas flaring, the wasteful industry practice of burning natural gas during oil production, has stalled over the last decade. Globally, gas flaring resulted in nearly 400 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions in 2021, further underscoring the urgency to accelerate the decarbonization of the world’s economies, says a new report from the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR). Satellite data compiled and analyzed for GGFR’s 2022 Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report shows that 144 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas was flared at upstream oil and gas facilities last year. Ten oil-producing and flaring countries accounted for three-quarters of all gas flaring, seven of which — Russia, Iraq, Iran, the United States, Venezuela, Algeria, and Nigeria — have remained the top seven consistently over the last ten years.
2022 Global Report on Food Crises
The number of people facing acute food insecurity and requiring urgent life-saving food assistance and livelihood support continues to grow at an alarming rate. This makes it more urgent than ever to tackle the root causes of food crises rather than just responding after they occur. This is a key takeaway from an annual report launched on 4 May 2022 by the Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC) – an international alliance of the United Nations, the European Union, governmental and non-governmental agencies working to tackle food crises together. The report focuses on those countries and territories where the magnitude and severity of the food crisis exceed the local resources and capacities. In these situations, the mobilization of the international community is necessary.
Engaging Communities for Biodiversity Conservation: Education for Sustainable Development Projects from the Global RCE Network (UNU-IAS)
A new publication highlights innovative biodiversity education projects aimed at engaging local communities in the protection and restoration of ecosystems, species, and habitats. Bridging formal and informal education, the projects involved a variety of stakeholders at the local and regional levels, and focused on SDG 14 (life below water) and SDG 15 (life on land). They were developed by Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCEs) as part of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from 2015-2019. The publication, features 12 case studies from around the world, addressing land use change, fragmentation of habitats, habitat rehabilitation, conservation of vascular plant species, and restoration of mangrove ecosystems, among others. It provides recommendations for developing and scaling up activities to protect regional ecosystems and biodiversity based on the experiences of the RCEs, and highlights the transformative role of education to realise sustainable development. The global network of RCEs is dedicated to translating the global agenda of sustainable development into local action. It comprises over 170 RCEs, each of which operates a local multi-stakeholder partnership for ESD. To find out more about the RCE Network, please visit the RCE Portal.
Gender report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind (UNESCO)
In mathematics, the gender gap favouring boys in early grades gradually disappears, according to a new publication by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report. The report calls for us to think harder about gender inequality and the barriers that still hold girls back from realising their potential. Deepening the debate on those still left behind, an annual UNESCO gender report, analysed data from 120 countries in primary and secondary education to offer a global picture. The findings show that in the early years, boys perform better than girls in mathematics but, this gender gap disappears later. This research confirms that the gender gap in learning has closed even in the poorest countries. And in some countries, the gap is now reversed. For example, by grade 8, the gap is in favour of girls in mathematics by 7 percentage points in Malaysia, by 3 points in Cambodia, by 1.7 points in Congo and by 1.4 points in the Philippines. However, biases and stereotypes are still likely to affect learning outcomes. Even though girls catch up in mathematics in upper primary and secondary education, boys are far more likely to be overrepresented among the highest performers in mathematics in all countries.
Report: https://www.unccd.int/resources/global-land-outlook/global-land-outlook-2nd-edition
GLO2 Summary for decision-makers: https://www.unccd.int/resources/global-land-outlook/glo2-summary-decision-makers
The way land resources – soil, water and biodiversity – are currently mismanaged and misused threatens the health and continued survival of many species on Earth, including our own, warns a stark new report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It also points decision makers to hundreds of practical ways to effect local, national and regional land and ecosystem restoration. UNCCD’s evidence-based flagship Global Land Outlook 2 (GLO2) report, five years in development with 21 partner organizations, and with over 1,000 references, is the most comprehensive consolidation of information on the topic ever assembled. It offers an overview of unprecedented breadth and projects the planetary consequences of three scenarios through 2050: business as usual, restoration of 50 million square km of land, and restoration measures augmented by the conservation of natural areas important for specific ecosystem functions. It also assesses the potential contributions of land restoration investments to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, human health and other key sustainable development goals.
Global Perspective on Coal Jobs and Managing Labor Transition out of Coal: Key Issues and Policy Responses (World Bank)
Guidebook on scientific writing with a focus on the water sector (UNESCO / ISC)
ILO Live – International Labour Organization’s new 24/7 video streaming platform
ILO Live hosts broadcast events and on demand video on the world of work and launches with a new live World of Work Show. The Show features a mix of interviews and videos on key work related issues.
Implications of the War in Ukraine for the Global Economy (World Bank)
The war in Ukraine is causing an enormous humanitarian crisis. More than 12 million people are estimated to have been displaced and more than 13 million need urgent humanitarian assistance. Ukraine’s economy is being devastated. Trauma suffered by the population will have enduring consequences. The war is triggering global ripple effects through multiple channels, including commodity markets, trade, financial flows, displaced people, and market confidence. In the surrounding region, a large wave of refugees will put pressure on basic services. The damage to Russia’s economy will weigh on remittance flows to many neighboring countries. Disruptions to regional supply chains and financial networks, as well as heightened investor risk perceptions, will weaken regional growth.
The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Trade and Investment (World Bank)
Land Use Finance Impact Hub (UNEP)
Positive Impact Indicators Directory (UNEP)
Financial institutions around the world can now measure the positive impact of their investments into biodiversity conversation, adaptation, mitigation, forest protection and sustainable livelihoods with the help of a new indicator directory and resources platform, launched on 6 April 2022. The hub has been developed with and for impact funds and sustainably focused financial institutions, and aims to support the rollout of effective industry frameworks to track the environmental and social impacts of land-use investments. To successfully tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature loss and pollution, leaders are calling for the world to become not only net zero, but also nature positive, for the benefit of both people and planet. This represents a real paradigm shift with the economic imperative to not only minimize impact, but also restore ecosystems. Banks and investors are waking up to this urgent need, and are looking for guidance and practical solutions to help drive nature positive land-use investments. The new tool will enable implementation of the policy efforts across the finance industry and encourage capital flows into nature positive assets and activities. Strong impact-measurement frameworks are key to driving public and private investor confidence, attracting diverse sources of concessional finance and mainstreaming private capital across biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation, climate mitigation, forest protection, and sustainable livelihoods. They align with a global focus on nature-based solutions, based on the newly adopted resolution at the 5th UN Environment Assembly.
Leave no child behind: Global report on boys’ disengagement from education (UNESCO)
Report in English: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381105
Executive Summary in English, French & Spanish: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381106
Local Government Finance is Development Finance (UNCDF)
Present and future of work in the LDCs (ILO)
English: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/ldc/publications/WCMS_844023/lang–en/index.htm
French: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/ldc/publications/WCMS_844024/lang–fr/index.htm
Economic and social progress in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have been slowed by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and the continuing energy and food crises. According to this report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), most LDCs responded rapidly to the pandemic by implementing a wide range of support packages, despite widening financial gaps and limited fiscal space. However, structural weaknesses have rendered them more vulnerable to the current multiple shocks and will be further exacerbated if the LDCs do not fully participate in the global recovery. The report presents an overview of the progress and the structural challenges faced by LDCs in terms of structural transformation, a just transition to greener economies and the creation of full and productive employment and decent work. It covers current trends in production, productivity, employment and decent work, as well as the role of social protection and institutions of work.
Sand and Sustainability: 10 strategic recommendations to avert a crisis (UNEP)
A Scientific Assessment of the Third Pole (UNEP)
Silver Hues: Building Age-Ready Cities (World Bank)
The State of the World’s Forests 2022: Forest pathways for green recovery and building inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies (FAO)
Digital report in English: https://www.fao.org/3/cb9360en/online/cb9360en.html
Full report in English: https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb9360en
Brief in English, French & Spanish: https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb9363en
Technological change has transformed the ways knowledge is developed and shared internationally. Accordingly, in the quarter-century since the WTO was established, and since its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights came into force, both the knowledge dimension of trade and the functioning of the IP system have been radically transformed. This publication offers a fresh understanding of what it means to trade in knowledge in today’s technological and commercial environment.
Wildcheck: Assessing the risks and opportunities of trade in wild plant ingredients (FAO)
WTO Research Database on Trade and Gender
The new WTO Research Database on Trade and Gender, launched on 29 April 2022, brings together more than 100 studies on how to make trade work for women, providing support for WTO members’ efforts to integrate gender issues into trade policies and agreements. The global database will be regularly updated as researchers submit more published papers. It is an initiative of the WTO Gender Research Hub, led by the WTO Trade and Gender Unit. The database can be filtered by gender equality issue and by region. It gathers research work by the WTO, other international and regional organizations, institutions in the WTO Chairs Programme, and other members of academia.
International Peace and Security
Concept note for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Conflict-related sexual violence: accountability as prevention – ending cycles of sexual violence in conflict”
English, French & Spanish: http://undocs.org/S/2022/293
The Security Council held a high-level open debate on the theme “Conflict-related sexual violence: accountability as prevention – ending cycles of sexual violence in conflict”, on 13 April 2022. In order to guide the discussions on this topic, the United Kingdom – Security Council President in April 2022 – has prepared this concept note.
Concept note for the Arria-formula meeting on “Conflict and hunger”
English, French & Spanish: https://undocs.org/S/2022/338
The Security Council held an Arria-formula meeting on conflict and hunger, on 21 April 2022. In order to guide the discussions on this topic, Ireland has prepared this concept note.
Concept note for the Arria-formula meeting on “Ensuring accountability for atrocities committed in Ukraine”
English, French & Spanish: https://undocs.org/S/2022/352
Albania and France, in cooperation with Ukraine, organized an Arria-formula meeting of the Security Council on the theme “Ensuring accountability for atrocities committed in Ukraine”, on 27 April 2022. In order to guide the discussions on this topic, Albania and France have prepared this concept note.
The Gender Dimensions of Grave Violations against Children in Armed Conflict (Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict)
Children living amidst hostilities are facing different risks based on identity factors and this new analysis sheds light on the importance of better understanding the gender dimensions of child rights violations during armed conflict to inform prevention and response strategies. The paper, launched on 5 May 2022 during a high-level event co-sponsored by Malta and the United Kingdom, further stresses the importance of supporting the United Nations and partners on the ground so they have appropriate resources and capacities to analyze grave violations against children through a gender lens. The information gathered in the emphasizes the significance of understanding the interlinked nature of grave violations against children for holistic, age-appropriate and gender-responsive prevention and response. It provides tangible evidence on how children are affected differently by conflict based on their gender and other identity-based characteristics including ethnicity, race, religion, caste, ability, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
The overall goal of the Framework is to achieve transformative change characterized by peoplecentred, human rights based inclusive and participatory governance and peacebuilding systems and strengthened trust and social contract between state and citizens that will contribute to change Africa’s narrative to one of promise, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and Agenda 2063.
Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Dashboard
DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) launched on 13 April 2022 its Peacebuilding Funding Dashboard, which was initially proposed in the Secretary-General’s report on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707-S/2018/43). The dashboard available through PBSO’s website, contains data from over 900 projects, representing more than $1 billion of investments in peacebuilding since 2015. The Dashboard is an important tool to increase transparency in investments in building and sustaining peace. It is interactive, allowing users to sort, filter and visualize peacebuilding investment data as per their specific needs. Through the dashboard, users can easily access detailed data on peacebuilding investments sorted by country or countries; years (2015-2021); peacebuilding priorities; source of funding; contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals; recipient entities, including UN agencies, funds and programmes; or gender marker.
Read more here: https://www.un.org/peacebuilding/content/secretary-general-peacebuilding-funding-dashboard
Human Rights
Addressing the health challenges in immigration detention, and alternatives to detention: a country implementation guide (WHO/Europe)
This country implementation guide outlines current evidence, knowledge and best practices relating to the health and health challenges of refugees and migrants in immigration detention, as well as alternatives to detention. It highlights key principles and international commitments, summarizes the current status and health challenges and provides practical considerations for addressing the health challenges of refugees and migrants in immigration detention, as well as the implementation of alternatives to detention. Specific areas for intervention include providing comprehensive training for staff, ensuring safeguards, providing psychological support and providing tools to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The guide also promotes engagement-based alternatives to detention. While the main intended audience is policy-makers across sectors at local, national and regional levels, the guide is also of value for health planners, relevant ministries, international organizations, management of immigration detention facilities and their staff, and researchers.
Flyer: Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations on human rights
English, French & Spanish: https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/publications/flyers-independent-expert-effects-foreign-debt-and-other-related
A brief summary of the scope, essential reports, and country visits of the mandate and the means of communication. This flyer has been developed to disseminate the mandate’s content activities and achievements.
Lila.help: new global directory offers a lifeline of support for women and girls who experience violence
Launching in April 2022, the Lila.help website directory lists accurate, vetted and safe helplines and local emergency service information for more than 90 countries, and aims to expand to every country and territory. The website was developed by the Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS) with financial and technical support from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and UN Women. Lila.help is easily accessible for everyone – a survivor, family or friends, service providers, embassy or tourism staff or anyone looking to find support. Since 20209, GNWS and UN Women have used their global networks to identify qualified and respected national helplines, local shelters, and crisis centres for women experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, violence worldwide.
Humanitarian Affairs
Economic Shocks and Human Trafficking Risks: Evidence from IOM’s Victims of Human Trafficking Database (World Bank)
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction: Our World at Risk – Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future (UNDRR)
Human activity and behaviour is contributing to an increasing number of disasters across the world, putting millions of lives and every social and economic gain in danger, warns a new UN report. The Global Assessment Report (GAR2022), released by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) ahead of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in May, reveals that between 350 and 500 medium- to large-scale disasters took place every year over the past two decades. The number of disaster events is projected to reach 560 a year – or 1.5 disasters a day – by 2030. The GAR2022 blames these disasters on a broken perception of risk based on “optimism, underestimation and invincibility,” which leads to policy, finance and development decisions that exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and put people in danger. The report found that the implementation of disaster risk reduction strategies, as called for in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, had reduced both the number of people impacted and killed by disasters in the last decade. However, the scale and intensity of disasters are increasing, with more people killed or affected by disasters in the last five years than in the previous five.
Nuclear, Chemical and Conventional Weapons Disarmament
Clear Writing Campaign (UNODA)
Newsletter Archive: https://unric.org/en/unric-info-point-library-newsletter-archive
* New websites and publications of the UN system; * New information material available for download.
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Surviving The 2nd Wave of Corona
‘This too shall pass away’ this famous Persian adage seems to be defeating us again and again in the case of COVID-19. Despite every effort