Sept. 12, 2022
Emory University is among the nation’s top universities, coming in 22nd in U.S. News & World Report’s 2022-23 rankings.
The rankings also list Emory as 21st among its “Best Value” schools based on academic quality and cost. The university’s undergraduate teaching program ranked 21st among national universities. Additionally, Emory was recognized as a national leader for campus ethnic diversity, being innovative and enrolling the most international students.
Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing was 2nd in the undergraduate nursing rankings and Emory’s Goizueta Business School placed 13th among undergraduate business programs. Both schools are ranked separately from the university’s main undergraduate program based on surveys of deans and senior faculty from schools and departments around the country.
In a new ranking this year, Emory is included in the “Least Debt” list that recognizes schools whose students graduated with the lowest amount of debt.
The new rankings are the latest indicator of Emory’s leadership in higher education. Emory has been cited as one of the world’s top universities (Times Higher Education), among the best for quality of life (Princeton Review) and as a best value among private universities (Princeton Review, Forbes).
The new 2022-23 rankings appear today at
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