Thome Group Publishes its Second Sustainability Report – Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

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in International Shipping News 27/09/2022
Since the publication of its inaugural Sustainability Report in 2020, the Thome Group has made significant progress in aligning itself with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The publication of its second voluntary report covers 2021 and the fact that progress has been made against the backdrop of continuing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges faced by the maritime industry, is testament to the dedication of its staff.
The company has successfully embraced a hybrid working style across the group to improve its employee’s work/life balance and this has helped to reduce Thome’s overall carbon footprint due to the reduction in the number of office commutes made by staff.
Recent office moves in Mumbai and Singapore have also enabled Thome’s staff to review their working practices and reduce the reliance on paper trails by switching to digital alternatives.
Thome’s overall health and safety record results have improved since 2020 which is encouraging as the company is focused on working towards zero injuries, incidents and accidents.
      Thome Group publishes its second sustainability report
The reduction has been due to various health and safety campaigns and initiatives throughout the year with consistent communications and messaging both onboard and ashore. The knock-on effect of fewer incidents means less resources being used which reduces Thome’s requirements for fresh supplies.
The Group has also made major strides with regards to reducing its reliance on plastics by almost half. Some of the initiatives which have been implemented to achieve this include issuing seafarers with refillable water bottles and also minimizing its general onboard waste generation.
Thome’ specialist teams are also heavily invested in helping their customers and principals evaluate the switch to using cleaner fuels to work towards the IMO’s target of reducing shipping’s GHG emissions by 50% by 2050.
Commenting on the publication of Thome’s second sustainability report, the group’s CEO Olav Nortun said, “I’m really pleased at the progress we’ve made since 2020 and the path towards sustainability continues with many more initiatives being implemented this year, all championed by our dedicated teams who coordinate and actively manage these processes. We all have a part to play in realising this long-term vision.”
Source: Thome Group


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