Operational Update: Medicines Arrive in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Resilient Power for Lebanon, and More – Direct Relief

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By Maeve O’Connor
Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 307 shipments of requested medical aid to 39 US states and territories and 12 countries worldwide.
The shipments contained 5.4 million defined daily doses of medication, including antibiotics, insulin, antihistamines, cardiovascular medications, and more.
This week Direct Relief and Anera, a local NGO in Lebanon, announced an effort to establish reliable energy at medical clinics in the country. With solar panels, inverters, and batteries donated by Direct Relief, Anera will support four medical centers throughout Lebanon with solar power systems that will increase access to quality health services for refugees.
Since February 24, Direct Relief has provided medical aid to Ukraine weighing more than 1.8 million pounds, or 900 tons, with more on the way.
Over the past seven days, shipments including wound care supplies, PPE, nutritional supplements, and more departed Direct Relief’s warehouse in California bound for Ukraine.
Pakistan has endured an extreme and unprecedented monsoon season, leading to more than 1,000 deaths and causing widespread destruction of homes and public infrastructure.
Direct Relief is preparing a shipment of insulin, in coordination with Life for a Child, for distribution to 10 hospitals and healthcare facilities in Pakistan.
The shipment from Direct Relief contains enough long-acting insulin for 3,773 children and young adults under the age of 25 living with Type 1 Diabetes.
Direct Relief is also helping to inform response efforts by working with the World Food Program to analyze population movements and assess where evacuations have taken place and where aid may be needed.
This week, Direct Relief shipped more than 4.6 million defined daily doses of medication outside the US.
Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:
Direct Relief delivered 288 shipments containing 784,687 doses of medications over the past week to organizations, including the following:
Since January 1, 2022, Direct Relief has delivered 13K shipments to 1,883 healthcare providers in 53 U.S. states and territories and 86 countries.
These shipments contained 393.9M defined daily doses of medication valued at $1.2B (wholesale), totaling 9.6M lb.
Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 307 shipments of requested medical aid to 39 US states and territories and 12 countries worldwide.
The shipments contained 5.4 million defined daily doses of medication, including antibiotics, insulin, antihistamines, cardiovascular medications, and more.
This week Direct Relief and Anera, a local NGO in Lebanon, announced an effort to establish reliable energy at medical clinics in the country. With solar panels, inverters, and batteries donated by Direct Relief, Anera will support four medical centers throughout Lebanon with solar power systems that will increase access to quality health services for refugees.
We're installing solar power systems at medical clinics across #Lebanon, supporting quality #health services for #refugees and the vulnerable. The #solar panels, inverters, and batteries have been donated by @DirectRelief.

🧵 pic.twitter.com/RQg0wDLYlE
Since February 24, Direct Relief has provided medical aid to Ukraine weighing more than 1.8 million pounds, or 900 tons, with more on the way.
Over the past seven days, shipments including wound care supplies, PPE, nutritional supplements, and more departed Direct Relief’s warehouse in California bound for Ukraine.

A post shared by Коло Хати (@kolohaty)

Pakistan has endured an extreme and unprecedented monsoon season, leading to more than 1,000 deaths and causing widespread destruction of homes and public infrastructure.
Direct Relief is preparing a shipment of insulin, in coordination with Life for a Child, for distribution to 10 hospitals and healthcare facilities in Pakistan.
The shipment from Direct Relief contains enough long-acting insulin for 3,773 children and young adults under the age of 25 living with Type 1 Diabetes.
Direct Relief is also helping to inform response efforts by working with the World Food Program to analyze population movements and assess where evacuations have taken place and where aid may be needed.
This week, Direct Relief shipped more than 4.6 million defined daily doses of medication outside the US.
Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:
Direct Relief delivered 288 shipments containing 784,687 doses of medications over the past week to organizations, including the following:
Since January 1, 2022, Direct Relief has delivered 13K shipments to 1,883 healthcare providers in 53 U.S. states and territories and 86 countries.
These shipments contained 393.9M defined daily doses of medication valued at $1.2B (wholesale), totaling 9.6M lb.
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