The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr the Honourable Kailesh Jagutpal, inaugurated the first COVID-19 Testing Centre in Mont Lubin, Rodrigues on Saturday 20 August 2022 in the presence of the Commissioner of Health of Rodrigues and other distinguished guests. Mrs Sewruttun, the Senior Chief Executive; Dr Ori, Director General Health Services and other high-level officials of the Ministry of Health and Wellness as well as Dr Indrajit Hazarika, the WHO Representative a.i. were also part of this three-day mission to Rodrigues.
In his address, the health minister highlighted the stringent preventive and control measures taken by the Republic of Mauritius to protect its population. This newly built COVID-19 Testing Centre will help to further strengthen surveillance. Dr K .Jagutpal also reassured the population of Rodrigues that it will be involved in all Action Plans such as the Cervical Cancer Action Plan and the Sexual and Reproductive Action Plan, that are being developed by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
Dr I. Hazarika, the WHO Representative a.i., in his address, recognized and applauded the efforts taken by the Government of Mauritius to fight the COVID-19 virus in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
“COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-century crisis that has taken a terrible toll on individuals, families, communities, and economies”, said Dr I. Hazarika who also emphasized the pandemic continues to impact our lives and livelihoods. The rise in the number of cases and deaths worldwide is a clear sign that we are not out of the woods yet.
“Across the globe, the pandemic continues to put further pressure on stretched health systems and health workers”, said the WHO Representative a.i.
Mauritius is the second country in the African region to have reached 70% vaccine coverage as a result of the proactive initiatives undertaken under the honorable leadership which has attributed to the remarkable achievements of the country in the prevention and control of COVID-19.
According to Dr I. Hazarika, we must do all in our means to stay ahead of the virus. We need to strengthen surveillance including testing and sequencing among others, for a coordinated health response to suppress transmission and end the pandemic.
The opening of this COVID-19 Testing Centre in Rodrigues has been made possible with the efforts of the Rodrigues Commission for Health and the support of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the technical and financial support from the World Health Organization and the Africa Reinsurance Corporation, leading pan-African reinsurance company and largest reinsurer in Africa.
Email: vythelingamv [at]

Surviving The 2nd Wave of Corona
‘This too shall pass away’ this famous Persian adage seems to be defeating us again and again in the case of COVID-19. Despite every effort