Kinley Cook is the new USA National Miss Carolina Coast Pre-teen. Cook is the daughter of Allen and Courtney Brown Cook. She competed in many different phases of competition including casual wear, fun fashion/runway, interview, evening gown, cover model, and academic success. She will represent South Carolina and compete in the UNM National Pageant on July 2-8, 2023, in Hollywood, Florida.
Do you have or know middle and high school-aged youth? We are excited to announce our upcoming “I STAND” conference to this area to begin fostering healthier relationships for this generation and the many to come.
This Sept. 24 conference will highlight:
We believe by bringing awareness and open communication on these topics we will be able to help prevent as well as give students the opportunity to make better choices in all relationships around them. Parents are encouraged to come. Masks are not required but are welcomed.
The conference will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at The Lighthouse Church, 2435 Augusta Highway, Hampton, SC 29924.
Lunch will be served, and guests will be given materials to take home.
RSVP by Sept. 18 at or text/call 843-338-8896.
This event is sponsored by:
Features onsite interviews, robust benefits package details, refreshments and door prizes
BEAUFORT, SC – Beaufort Memorial is hosting its largest system-wide hiring event on Wednesday, September 21, from 4:30-7:30 p.m., at Shellring Ale Works in Port Royal. Prospective employees will meet with and be interviewed by hiring managers during the RSVP-only event.
The third-largest employer in Beaufort County, Beaufort Memorial currently has more than 350 openings across its three-county system, including positions in clinical areas, hospitality services, housekeeping, business office operations, customer service, information technology, transportation, supply chain, talent acquisition and more.
“We’re looking for motivated people who care about helping people. That’s our business,” said Beaufort Memorial President & CEO Russell Baxley, MHA. “Healthcare experience is not necessarily required. We’re seeking great people who want meaningful careers that align with their passions and values. This event is intended to open the door so we can have a conversation.”
In addition to a wide range of career opportunities, hiring managers will be available to discuss Beaufort Memorial’s robust employee benefits packages, which include:
Prospective employees will also learn about Beaufort Memorial’s focus on career development through a recently launched program designed to help staff learn new skills, earn advanced certifications, and progress their careers within the health system. The program, named People Achieving Their Highest (PATH), is an innovative career advancement program that enables Beaufort Memorial to develop its employees and fill higher-level positions from within its workforce.
“Our PATH program is aimed at helping people grow into the career they desire,” said Baxley. “It allows prospective employees to start with us at any level and pursue advanced career training in direct patient care, diagnostics, therapeutics, hospitality, support services or business.”
Reservations are required to attend the September 21 event. Visit or call (843) 522-5680 to reserve your spot. To learn more about open positions at Beaufort Memorial visit

Surviving The 2nd Wave of Corona
‘This too shall pass away’ this famous Persian adage seems to be defeating us again and again in the case of COVID-19. Despite every effort