New Hampshire Charitable Foundation awards grant to LRMHC – The Laconia Daily Sun

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LACONIA — Lakes Region Mental Health Center recently received a $60,000 three-year grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The grant will help fund the elements in Lakes Region Mental Health Center’s strategic plan and support their mission of providing integrated mental and physical health care for people with mental illness.
“We are committed to making available a comprehensive system of services and supports so that residents in our communities have access to the least restrictive and most appropriate level of care that will meet their needs. We are grateful to the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation for providing critical grant support that helps us respond to the immediate and emerging needs of the people we serve,” said Maggie Pritchard, chief executive officer for Lakes Region Mental Health Center.
About Lakes Region Mental Health Center
The Lakes Region Mental Health Center, designated by the State of New Hampshire as the community mental health center serving Belknap and southern Grafton Counties. A private, non-profit corporation, LRMHC has two campuses, in Laconia and Plymouth that serves over 4,000 children, families, adults and older adults each year. LRMHC provides Emergency Services and Mobile Crisis Response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to anyone in the community experiencing a mental health crisis, regardless of their ability to pay. Additionally, LRMHC provides individual, group and family therapy; mobile crisis teams in the event a tragic event occurs that impacts a community at large, psychiatry; nursing; community support programs for people with severe and persistent mental illness; care management; community-based supports; housing; supported employment; substance use disorder treatment; and specialty services and evidence-based practices for children and their families, including trauma-focused therapy, art therapy and play therapy.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 603-524-1100 or visit the website at Find the Lakes Region Mental Health Center on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates and information.
About the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. The Foundation manages a growing collection of 2,000 funds created by generous individuals, families and businesses, and awards more than $50 million in grants and scholarships every year. The Foundation works with generous and visionary citizens to maximize the power of their giving, supports great work happening in our communities and leads and collaborates on high-impact initiatives. For more information, please visit or call 603-225-6641.
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