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The Colihaut constituency is the most recent recipient of a newly constructed health and wellness centre.
The centre, which was constructed by Montreal Management Consultants Establishment Ltd. and funded by the Citizenship by Investment Programme, was commissioned on Friday, January 14 2022.
Member of Parliament for the Colihaut Constituency, Hon. Lady Catherine Daniel expressed gratitude on behalf of the constituency.
“We as a people from this community are extremely elated and thankful for this magnificent infrastructure and well needed facility. The building has been erected on a site which once housed a health centre which served us well but was structurally weak,” Hon. Daniel stated.
She encouraged citizens to take good care of the facility as it is there to serve everybody.
“To whom much is given, much is expected. And as a community, let us demonstrate our appreciation by taking care of our facility; our health and wellness centre.  Let each one of us be a guard to protect this facility. This is ours. It will serve everyone regardless of religion, or political affiliation. We all have a stake,” Ms. Daniel stated.
Project Manager of Montreal Management Consultants Establishments, Mr. Cal Murray detailed the two floor facility.
“This health centre was designed and built according to high international standards. The entire structure was built using reinforced concrete, windows which are hurricane resistant, and the finishings and outfitters are of high standards. The ground floor of the health centre consists of a spacious lobby, two examination rooms, doctor’s office, nurses’ room and an emergency facility. It is furnished with medical equipment and loose furniture. As for the upper floor, it consists of the staff accommodation which is a two bedroom is furnished apartment with all needed facilities,” Mr. Murad explained.
Acting Minister for Health, Wellness and New Health Investment, Hon. Kent Edwards stated that providing quality health care to citizens remains a priority to citizens.
“The Government of Dominica, over the years, has focused on providing resources to facilitate health care delivery and quality health care for all at primary secondary and tertiary levels. Recognizing well that in order to improve delivery services, the quality of infrastructure and a safe working environment is of utmost importance. Health care delivery has remained a priority of the Ministry of Health and in spite of the adverse challenges which arose, the Ministry has always been provided health care to its people,” Hon. Edwards noted.
Senior Minister and Minister for Housing and Urban Development and while representing the Prime Minister, Hon. Reginald Austrie urged the nurses to use the facility as an institution to educate residents of the area.  
“I don’t see this facility as one just for care and for health, but I also see it as an educational and learning institution. Now that the health professionals are in a more comfortable environment I believe that they will find it very, very useful to engage the community on various health subjects those that are here now and those to come. And I believe that is a major function of this health and wellness centre to continue the education process,” Hon. Austrie noted.

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