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Louisville earns gold medal on policies that improve residents' health and quality of life –

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One of only 10 U.S. cities to earn a gold medal
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Dec. 14, 2021) — Louisville is one of only 10 cities nationwide to earn a 2021 gold medal from CityHealth for its policies that improve people’s health.
CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, offers a close look at whether the nation’s 40 largest cities have nine key policies in place that experts say help residents lead healthier lives and make communities thrive. For each of these nine policies, CityHealth awarded each city a gold, silver, bronze, or no medal, according to the quality of that policy. The group also awarded an overall medal to each city based on how many policy medals were earned.
“From Day 1, becoming a healthier city was one of my administration’s core values for the work we do,” said Mayor Greg Fischer. “Tackling a pandemic has taken a lot of time and resources but we’ve still managed to accomplish more to help people live healthier lives. It’s wonderful to see our ‘health in all policies approach’ to governing affirmed. I appreciate our Public Health & Wellness team for their tireless work to build a healthier city.”
This is Louisville’s second consecutive year to earn a gold medal.
“The fact that over 90% of cities have earned an overall CityHealth medal shows that city leaders are committed to the prioritization of health and equity in their communities as they continue to navigate the many challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapidly shifting economic landscape,” said Katrina Forrest, J.D., CityHealth’s co-executive director. “Thanks to the incredible leadership and resilience of city leaders and local public health officials, millions of people are benefitting from these policies that provide access to a safe place to live, a healthy body and mind, and a thriving environment.”
CityHealth’s annual report shows which cities are leading the way in implementing policies shown to improve people’s health and quality of life. Louisville earned a gold medal overall, meaning the city has a gold medal in five of the nine CityHealth policies. For more details on how Louisville performed in each policy area, please see the table below.
Louisville CityHealth Medal Results
Policy Recommendation
High-Quality, Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Earned Sick Leave
No medal (preempted)
Complete Streets
Safer Alcohol Sales
No medal (preempted)
Food Safety/Restaurant Grading
Healthy Food Procurement
Affordable Housing/Inclusionary Zoning
No medal (preempted)
Smoke-Free Indoor Air
Tobacco 21
Dr. Sarah Moyer, director of the Department of Public Health and Wellness, said: “Our vision is a healthy Louisville where everyone thrives. We know that policy has a tremendous impact on how healthy the people of our city can be. We will continue to work with our policymakers and community partners to adopt policies that create a culture of health.”
“CityHealth’s assessment provides opportunities for Louisville to put policies in place to help make the city a more vibrant, prosperous place to live,” said Catherine Patterson, co-executive director of CityHealth. “Louisville shows leadership by implementing these evidence-based policies that improve the well-being and quality of life for its residents.”
CityHealth will update its ratings again next year. For more details on how Louisville stacks up against the other 40 cities, go to
CityHealth’s nine evidence-based policies address ways that cities can improve the health of their residents in areas of everyday life – from the workplace and school to housing and public transportation. Each policy is backed by evidence, supported by experts, and has a track record of bipartisan support. In addition to the medal ratings, CityHealth is available to provide technical assistance and support to cities as they advance these policies.
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