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Mostly clear. Low around 15F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: January 20, 2022 @ 9:54 pm
Courtesy Ira Vandever
Health coach Alana Grier demonstrates how to give a massage.
Courtesy photo
Health coach Alana Grier in a meditation pose.
Courtesy photo
Health coach Alana Grier preps for a massage.

Courtesy Ira Vandever
Health coach Alana Grier demonstrates how to give a massage.
Courtesy photo
Health coach Alana Grier in a meditation pose.
Courtesy photo
Health coach Alana Grier preps for a massage.
It’s the beginning of a new year and that means many people are making resolutions and setting goals for improving their health. There are plenty of predictions out there about the most important health trends on the horizon for 2022. One of the lists, from Dr. Elizabeth Rogers, associate clinical director at Bupa Health Clinics (UK), discusses several trends that emerged from an analysis of increased Google searches. The list includes prioritizing gut health, boosting the immune system and being more mindful in your approach to exercise, drinking — and just about everything else.
With many ideas out there on how to improve health, how can people locally figure out which steps they can take to have the most positive impact on their overall well-being? Looking at your own situation with your health care provider can be helpful, and you can also work with a coach. 
Health coaching 
Health coach Alana Grier, of 365 Well, a Taos company that has been operating since 2007, says that when she begins work with a new client, they often explore what is most important to the client to make sure that whatever goals are set align with those values.
“Over time, values change depending on where people are in their lives, from raising a family to retiring. A lot of people have not looked at what is important to them, as opposed to what is important to society, their parents, or others. In our work together, we begin by doing an audit of their own values,” says Grier. 
Some of her clients come as referrals from local doctors or a cardiologist in Albuquerque. “The clients that come to me individually are usually very motivated to work on their health,” says Grier.
As she works with a new client to explore their values, a pressing concern often emerges that wasn’t the initial health issue that brought them in. “The client may want help managing the stress about the health condition before addressing the condition itself,” says Grier. Working with clients who are about to have surgery or are recovering, she can assist them in finding support and resources. If the client seeks out Grier before their surgery, she helps them advocate for themselves in the process by preparing questions for their appointments. Grier explains that this kind of support is often more urgent than looking at improving their diet or adding exercise. 
Although most health coaching is not covered by insurance, many companies will pay for an annual wellness check with a health coach under the supervision of a physician, according to Grier. Insurance may also pay for some smoking cessation and weight loss appointments under the same circumstances.
Measuring success
A study reported by the Cleveland Clinic, a medical organization that has branches in the United States and across the world showed that people who used health coaching for three months significantly improved their blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose (blood sugar), triglycerides, body weight and cardiovascular fitness.
With some goals, success is very clear, like for those who want to quit smoking or lose weight. Grier helps people set timelines and identify achievable goals. With regard to quitting smoking, some clients are ready to quit right away and others take longer.
Although typical weight loss goals are between 10 and 40 pounds, Grier said she worked with one client to lose 120 pounds. In this case, their work was done in coordination with a doctor. If the client is open to it, baseline measurements are taken, including weight, body fat percentage and blood pressure, so the client can see their progress. She can work with someone to establish a target heart rate to be achieved during a workout and introduce simple high-intensity exercises. “The interval approach is the safest and most effective workout, because you can slow down when you need to,” explains Grier. “The workouts are usually short — 15-30 minutes — and involve short periods of intense activity ideally doing something that the client already enjoys.” She can help people get moving safely to prevent injuries, which can be a risk at the beginning of any new program.
Grier emphasizes that working with a coach is a “client-centric” approach that allows the client to make changes by laying out the steps toward the vision of health they have in mind. Comments from her clients reflect this approach. One client says  “Alana is a kind, caring, knowledgeable, and an extremely effective coach. She guides one to self-understanding gently and lovingly, without ‘shoulds’ or criticisms. Rather than telling me what I’ve been doing ‘wrong,’ she prepares a path of discovery for me to traverse and come to my own realizations. Add to that the fact that she is a great massage therapist and that she can tap into her inner peace when guiding hypnotherapy, and you have the essence of what a health coach should be.”
Making changes
Working with a client to assess their nutrition and identify what changes they are willing to make is often part of health coaching. “One of the health trends we are going to be seeing more of is intermittent fasting for health and weight loss. There are lots of wonderful resources out there to support this approach,” says Grier. 
For clients who want to make changes like improving their diets, or starting an exercise program, there are some time-tested methods to support change. One motivational approach is hypnotherapy, which involves collaborating with the client to come up with suggestions for change and then introducing those changes while the client is in a state of deep relaxation. Together the coach and client create a vision of what it looks and feels like to achieve the goal.
Like many ancient approaches, hypnotherapy is now beginning to be evaluated and tested in clinical settings. The American Medical Association approved hypnotherapy as a valid technique in 1958. The Mayo Clinic uses hypnotherapy as part of overall treatment plans to address symptoms of many diseases and conditions, such as stress, anxiety, insomnia and pain. It is also used to help reduce anxiety before a procedure or surgery. Mayo Clinic continues to explore hypnotherapy through clinical trials, as do other medical organizations, but research results to date show that it can be effective in working with a variety of conditions, such as chronic headaches and anxiety in adolescents, as reported in the international peer-reviewed journal, Children. 
Many predicted health trends emphasize mindfulness as a tool for better health, whether it be mindful drinking or mindful exercise. What is mindfulness? Grier defines it as the following: Mindfulness is learning to focus your attention on the moment with an attitude of curiosity, openness and acceptance. Practicing mindfulness teaches us to accept more of our experience without judging it, and this has been shown to help people live more fulfilling lives.
She says mindfulness is a tool that can be used to reduce stress and help people get out of self-judgement in order to calm the nervous system. “It’s easy to get stuck in a fight or flight mode,” she says. “Not a lot of healing and regeneration can happen in the body if we are dealing with stress. Mindfulness helps us become more present and come back to relaxation. It can give a sense of control over the nervous system, so that anxiety doesn’t rule our lives.”
For more information
Grier is a mind-body coach, health activist and musician. She has been a yoga practitioner for over 30 years and enjoys sharing movement and mindfulness with anyone interested in improving their quality of life by being more present in the body. Alana provides health coaching, hypnotherapy, personal training and individual yoga sessions to support her clients in achieving their health and wellness goals.
Like many professionals, Grier is doing the majority of her work online. “Although I am available in person, more people prefer Zoom for health coaching. I also work as a massage therapist and sometimes see people in their homes.” Visit to find out more.
Infobox 1:
There are a variety of books and online resources available for those who want to begin to explore techniques of coaching on their own for health and other life changes. 
Grier says online resources like the one below can be a good place to start but recommends working with a coach whenever possible as it is the communication and listening process that provides deeper insight. Coaching tools link:
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