Inaugural Health And Wellness Festival In Haddonfield Postponed – Patch

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HADDONFIELD, NJ — With much of the weekend forecast looking treacherous, organizers of Haddonfield’s inaugural Health and Wellness Festival have, albeit reluctantly, say they have postponed the event which was scheduled for this Saturday.
The event was slated to have health, dental, cancer and vision screenings; booths with local holistic practitioners; bike helmet fittings; unwanted drug and medication dropoffs; yoga instructions and much more, according to Haddonfield Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich.
“High winds and rain are not ideal conditions for a health screening or getting a massage!” the mayor wrote on the borough’s Facebook page.
The event is now scheduled to take place on Saturday, Oct. 1, she added, and encouraged would-be attendees to visit the borough’s social media sites from time to time between now and then to see what type of events will be at the rescheduled event.

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