Holistic wellbeing: Resources to support employees in their day-to-day life – BenefitsPro

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As we navigate a world of work irrevocably altered by the COVID-19 pandemic, holistic wellbeing strategies are gaining traction among employers looking to fully engage employees in their health and wellness.
Adopting a holistic wellness strategy fosters a culture of wellbeing around the total person and supports the six dimensions of wellbeing that affect each of us in day-to-day life: financial, emotional, social, physical, community and career. In this multi-dimensional model, the focus no longer is solely on offering traditional benefits, perks and wellness incentives, but on helping employees feel valued and supported both personally and professionally.
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Not being prepared for an attack can cause serious harm to both companies and their employees.
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Companies increasingly are taking action to attract and retain top talent by focusing on employees’ well-being.
Alan Goforth and Emily Payne |
The administration hopes that by easing a barrier to more regular at-home testing, it can help slow the spread of the virus.
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