HEALTH CARE BRIEFING: Vaccines May Struggle With Omicron Variant | Bloomberg Government – Bloomberg Government

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Moderna President Stephen Hoge said there’s a “real risk” that existing Covid-19 vaccines will be less effective against omicron, while U.S. medical adviser Anthony Fauci said the variant’s severity may be limited.
U.S. health officials said yesterday it’s still unclear how transmissible the latest Covid-19 variant is, how well existing vaccines work and whether it will lead to more severe illnesses. Hoge stopped short of comments by Moderna Chief Executive Officer Stephane Bancel that spooked markets last week, saying it’s too early to tell by how much omicron will degrade vaccines.
“I think that there’s a real risk that we’re going to see a decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccines,” Hoge said in an ABC interview. “What I don’t know is how substantial that is.”
An updated formulation probably would be needed if effectiveness is shown to drop significantly, he said.
“Are we going to see something more like a 50% decrease in efficacy, which would really mean we’d probably need to reboot the vaccines and update them?” Hoge said.
Data from South Africa, where omicron was first detected in November, suggest it may not cause more severe illness than the more widely circulating delta variant, Fauci said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” He cautioned that his conclusion was preliminary.
“Thus far, it does not look like there’s a great degree of severity to it,” Fauci said. “We feel certain that there will be some degree, and maybe a considerable degree, of protection against the omicron variant” with existing vaccines, he said. Read more from Tony Czuczka and Justin Sink.
Read more: South Africa Dodging Hospitalization Surge Fuels Omicron Hope
The U.S. is reevaluating the travel ban on eight southern African countries as more information about the omicron variant and its spread becomes available, Fauci said yesterday.
“That ban was done at a time when we were really in the dark — we had no idea what was going on,” Fauci said in an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union.” U.S. medical advisers are evaluating the new restrictions on “a daily basis” and Fauci said he was hopeful “we’ll be able to lift that ban in a quite reasonable period of time.” Read more from Justin Sink and Aysha Diallo.
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The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives—a nonprofit backed by several research organizations and companies—is hoping to make inroads in Congress to expand what the government spends on aging research and to make it easier for companies to gain approval for medicines meant to help people live longer lives, Dylan Livingston, the group’s president and founder, said. “This is about keeping in better health for a longer period of time,” Livingston said. The group wants to work with the Food and Drug Administration to create a special pathway for therapies in the “longevity medicine” space and increase the budget for the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, Livingston said.
The Alliance on Thursday will host a talk with Gingrich and former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.). Gingrich is connected to the group by Joseph DeSantis, who is chief strategy office for Gingrich 360, a consultancy formed by Gingrich, and sits on the board of directors for the Alliance.
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More Headlines:
To contact the reporters on this story: Michaela Ross in Washington at; Alex Ruoff in Washington at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Zachary Sherwood at; Giuseppe Macri at
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