HEALTH AND WELLNESS 2022 – Toledo City Paper

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Between work, family, social life, finances and more, it can be very easy to lose sight of the importance of taking care of yourself. These local experts share their advice on the best ways to live (and feel) better.
Racing for Recovery
6202 Trust Dr.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
That relapse is a part of recovery. That 100% of people battling addiction never have to make a choice to use drugs again.
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
Eat plants and exercise.
What’s a surprising fact about your practice that people would be interested to know?
That we’re not all about running.
What’s one thing that readers can do that will quickly make them feel better?
Eat plants and exercise! Also, have an open mind to more than one way of attaining and sustaining sobriety.
Related to your practice, please provide three words of wisdom.
“Empathy, humility and gratitude” are the foundations for everything that productive, holistic sobriety is built upon.
My favorite personal fitness routine is….
I love to run between six and eight miles and doing yoga, as well as 250 push-ups is ideal for me.
A quality that I admire in others is….
People that implement the Racing to Recovery balanced holistic lifestyle that includes empathy, humility and gratitude, and they apply action behind what they say.
What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves? 
Why am I not doing what I know is going to help me improve my life?
Founded by Todd Crandell, THE ORIGINAL SOBER TRIATHLETE (SM), in 2001, Racing for Recovery works to improve quality of life for addicts and their loved ones by promoting a lifestyle of health, fitness, and sobriety. Every day. Our life-saving mission includes free ongoing support for those recovering as well as their loved ones. Crandell remains active in the center’s daily operation, providing one-on-one and group counseling services. Other support opportunities include Team Racing for Recovery™ and an active online community support system. Real-time social media conversations via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube mean peer support anywhere at any time. Additional prevention and recovery services, such as counseling, speaking engagements, interventions, and court-ordered assessments, are also available. Racing for Recovery™ is a federally approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Health Foods by Claudia
3904 Secor Rd.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
A commonly held belief about health is that it’s too expensive to eat healthy, but that certainly isn’t true. It’s fair to say that most Americans prioritize many other things over their own health, like entertainment, sports, clothes, beauty care, alcohol and junk food. But when good health becomes the focus rather than an afterthought, much can change in a positive way. Being mindful about the food we eat will always be the greatest way to assure good health because sickness and disease will always be far more costly for individuals and this nation as a whole.
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
A simple way to begin embracing one’s own health is to do it in baby steps rather than trying to make big changes overnight. Start with the basics like getting rid of pop, pasteurized milk, alcohol and sugary foods and instead incorporate more fresh greens, fresh fruits and fresh water because that can make some of the biggest changes in how a person feels each day. Becoming mindful about what we eat and drink every day can change a person’s health from sickly and diseased to healthy and whole.
What’s one thing that readers can do that will quickly make them feel better?
As always, the fastest way to begin feeling better is to get rid of sugar. Sugar may be sweet going down but ultimately, it’s not so sweet for the body and mind and truly is causing a lot of distress to human health in many ways.
A quality that I admire in others is….
When someone is willing to embrace their own health through thoughtful learning and dedication. Taking responsibility for our own personal health is a powerful choice to make and can make all the difference in a person’s health for a lifetime.
What’s a surprising fact about your practice that people would be interested to know?
A surprising fact that many people don’t know is when I started the business 31 years ago, I began in a small 8’x10’ office space with $500.00 to my name…and it grew from there and we are very grateful!
Innate Health Chiropractic
26850 N. Dixie Hwy., Ste 101, Perrysburg.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
One commonly-held belief that we encounter is the belief that people think they are healthy if they look or feel good. Unfortunately, we know this is far from the truth because disease can build no matter how good you look or feel.
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
One of the easiest first steps to be healthier in the new year is to simply add something new rather than to take something away. Start small and make sure to be consistent. That is the key to success.
What’s one thing that readers can do that will quickly make them feel better?
One thing you can do that will radically change the way you feel is eliminating processed sugars. Processed sugars drive inflammation in the body which is not only the root of all disease, but is one of the biggest reasons most people experience aches, pains, low energy, poor digestion and sleep.
A quality that I admire in others is….
A quality that I admire in others is integrity.
Do you use any health, fitness or mindfulness apps?
I regularly use the Peloton App to guide my workout routines and help track my fitness metrics. I also use the Bible App for my mental and spiritual space.
Director Of Clinical Services at Arrowhead Behavioral Health
1725 Timberline Rd, Maumee
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
Prioritize what needs to be done to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 
What’s a surprising fact about your practice that people would be interested to know? 
Arrowhead Behavioral Health offers outpatient treatment in addition to inpatient treatment.  Outpatient treatment includes Partial Hospitalization Program for substance use and mental health, as well of Intensive Outpatient Program for substance use.

My favorite personal fitness routine is….
Daily walking to help relieve stress.
My health goal for 2022 is….
Eat healthy and in moderation.
My favorite method of self-care is…. 
Gardening and taking care of my plants.
LMT/Owner of Open Arms Wellness Center
2300 Navarre Ave., Suite 204, Oregon.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
Massage therapy is for girls! I laugh every time someone says, “oh, you take men too?” Massage Therapy is good for EVERYBODY! Benefits are not just for women. Men have stress and body aches too! We cater to all types of bodies and ages! In fact, we encourage it!
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
Take time for yourself! Life isn’t just about taking care of those around you. It’s also about taking care of you, so you can be around for those you love many years to come!
What’s a surprising fact about your practice that people would be interested to know? 
We offer Mother Roasting! Sacred Pregnancy Mother Roasting is the care of the new mother after birth, the recovery and health of a woman as they embark on their journey into motherhood. Postpartum is the tender wrapping up of the healing soul, warming the body and binding mothers through the gentle guiding arms of their sisters. Following ancient traditions of postpartum care, our Mother Roasting services will offer you all the need to seal the birth process and gently ease you into motherhood. Healing Soups, Warming Baths, Binding Bellies, Tinctures and Salves, Revitalizing Teas and Mother Blessings are available to you.
Related to your practice, please provide three words of wisdom.
A quality that I admire in others is…. 
Authenticity. The ability to be yourself!
Owner/Founder, Essence Mind Body Studio
725 Ford St., Ste. B, Maumee.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
More or harder exercise is better. Many people are over-exercising and/or are living in fight-or-flight and the way they exercise is only making it worse. This can be even with the practice of yoga. I often coach my clients into understanding where they are at any given moment and teach them how to assess all of this. 
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
Start a mediation practice that is right for them. There are many ways to meditate and such a practice can help in all aspects of self health and wellbeing care. 
A sentence, or piece of advice, that stopped me in my tracks and changed my outlook about health was….
Less can be more, much of the time. Too many people are making exercise and their wellness care way too complicated and spend too much time in the gym. I used to be one of these folks. Exercise use should not be a career; but, rather, it should be what sustains our wellbeing to live our lives healthy and peaceful. 
What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves?
What matters most? No one can answer this question for someone else. So many people are living their lives and setting up their health and wellness care based on what others are doing or think they should do. They don’t know what their own callings really are. This is why people don’t stick with their programs long-term. If we evaluate what matters most and set our wellness program around that, we feel very differently about it and want to stay with it to live our lives to the fullest. 
Tell us about a memorable experience that you’ve had with a client or customer. How did it make you feel?
Just recently I helped coach a client out of stage 3 kidney failure and pre-diabetes. He was relevant at first but once we got going and he started to feel better so fast, it was empowering to witness. His nephrologist (kidney doctor) was in awe of what we did together in such a short time and this clients is living with so much more energy and joy now.
Owner, BOXHOUSE and The ROW Studio
3205 W. Central Ave.
What is a commonly-held belief that you encounter in your practice that may not be correct?
People are under the impression they have to get “in shape” before participating in classes. Although our motto is “WHERE FIGHT CLUB MEETS NIGHT CLUB,” we aren’t hitting each other and there is no prior experience or specific athletic ability required. Come to us wherever you’re at so we can take you where you need to be. BOXHOUSE and The ROW Studio are INCLUSIVE, non-competitive, fully-modifiable and everything is done in the dark which also helps shed those insecurities and inhibitions while adding the party-like atmosphere element of fun. 
Suggest a great first step that readers can take to be healthier in the new year?
Make your fitness routine as important as any other “appointment” you have. At BOXHOUSE and The ROW Studio our clients have our branded app which allows them to plan their workouts and book classes in advance. Not only does this add structure but also adds the element of accountability. If it’s in your calendar or written down where you are forced to see it, you are more likely to do it! Also, since the class descriptions are in the app, you can design your training based on your goals by attending those pertinent classes. Humans operate well when they have control and flexibility.  We understood that and provided this tool as a result. 
What’s a surprising fact about your practice that people would be interested to know?
BOXHOUSE is not a franchise. We are locally-owned and operated. We opened in 2018 in a small location at Monroe St. and Sylvania Ave. We relocated in July 2021 to a larger studio and incorporated The ROW Studio, owned by Jessica Lundy who is also BOXHOUSE instructor and with me from the beginning. 
Related to your practice, please provide three words of wisdom.
Just keep going. 
My best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine is…
Set realistic goals. Focus on one area improvement at a time. For instance, focus on either a movement/activity commitment, time/frequency commitment, or maybe a nutrition commitment, but don’t overwhelm yourself trying to undo all of the bad habits and transform every aspect at once.  Give yourself grace. And remember…if you enjoy doing something, you are more likely to show up for yourself. Lastly, life happens. If for some reason your plan gets temporarily derailed, start over but keep going. 
My favorite personal fitness routine is….
BOXING (surprise!). Not only is it efficient (burns 10 calories a minute which is as much as running…and I hate running); it’s low impact yet high intensity. Boxing engages EVERY MUSCLE, providing strength, power and cardio simultaneously. It is amazingly therapeutic to hit the bag. Also, it combines so nicely with yoga, weight training etc. The best part: even when I don’t have a bag, I get these same benefits hitting the air! No equipment necessary!
A quality that I admire in others is….
Transparency and resourcefulness.
A sentence, or piece of advice, that stopped me in my tracks and changed my outlook about health was….
Some days will be better than others and you may not “feel” like honoring your commitment. Motivation isn’t what makes you successful; it’s discipline. Show up anyway and simply do your best. Listen to your body. You’re the only one who can hear it. Understand you’re not a machine and build rest and recovery days into your routine. All calories count, including the ones you take in so match your fuel to your function. Lastly, the only bad workout is the one you DIDN’T do. Getting here is the hardest part. We will take care of the rest.
My favorite method of self-care is…. 
Tea. Hot tea. I have tea for sleep, tea for energy, tea for reducing stress, tea for improving mood, tea for digestive issues… There is a tea made and designed for every biological function. Furthermore, nothing is more comforting and natural than a hot cup of tea in my favorite mug. Hot tea also forces me to take time and be still. All my life I have enjoyed and look forward to this part of my day. 
Do you use any health, fitness or mindfulness apps?
I own a Peloton and have always enjoyed working out at home. I was a cycling instructor for 14 years but in addition to that, I can enjoy weight training, yoga, walking, running and even meditation at home on the days when I don’t instruct or when I want/need something extra. Although I own a cardio boxing studio, I understand the importance of diverse training and enjoy not having to think.  Additionally, although I’m at home, Peloton instructors provide the social aspect which makes it fun. Lastly, the app is on my phone, as well, which means no matter where I am, I have fitness at my fingertips. Even if you do not own a Peloton bike, the app is phenomenal, formats are endless, instructors are top-notch, and boredom is impossible.  
Tell us about a memorable experience that you’ve had with a client or customer. How did it make you feel?
One of my current clients is unable to walk or stand without support due to suffering a series of strokes. The goal: to walk his daughter down the aisle in April 2022. I visit him twice weekly  to increase/retain muscle volume, strength, mobility, and flexibility. He is excited for our sessions, even though he may not feel the best that day, but his overall progress has led to feeling accomplished. Working with him has shown me how much we take movement for granted. When I want to be lazy or find myself wanting to complain, I think of him… and off I go.


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