This interview is an episode of The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, a podcast providing news and views about the world for those who want to change it. You can follow the show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Watch the NEW video version of The Real Story as part of BreakThrough News
Brian Becker, Claudia De La Cruz and Gabriel Rockhill continue The Socialist Program’s analysis of the deeper meaning of the January 6 assault that temporarily dispersed Congress. One year after the attack attempted to overturn the election, the architects of that plan have yet to face prosecution and a movement of the far-right consolidates. There is a liberal response to fascism that prioritizes an alliance with one section of the ruling class and there is a working-class strategy based on building a united front from below.
Brian is joined by Claudia De La Cruz, co-Executive Director of The People’s Forum, popular educator, community organizer and theologian, and Dr. Gabriel Rockhill, Founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation is comprised of leaders and activists, workers and students, of all backgrounds. Organized in branches across the country, our mission is to link the everyday struggles of oppressed and exploited people to the fight for a new world. Interested in joining? Click here!

Surviving The 2nd Wave of Corona
‘This too shall pass away’ this famous Persian adage seems to be defeating us again and again in the case of COVID-19. Despite every effort