North Royalton City Schools and the City of North Royalton are holding a Health Fair and Family Expo Sept. 10. (Photo Courtesy of North Royalton City Schools)
NORTH ROYALTON, Ohio — North Royalton City Schools and the City of North Royalton are holding a Health Fair and Family Expo from 8 a.m. to noon Sept. 10 on the campus of North Royalton High School, 14713 Ridge Road.
A 5K run and one-mile walk will be featured.
The day begins with a free pancake and sausage breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m. in the student dining area, courtesy of City Council President Paul F. Marnecheck.
At 9 a.m., the North Royalton 5K Bear Run will take place following the singing of the National Anthem by the North Royalton High School choir.
This is the 12th annual 5K and one-mile wellness and family activity walk. The course starts at the high school and continues along designated North Royalton roads.
Awards will be given for the first overall male and female finisher, as well as the top three age group finishers in each of the nine brackets.
Register in advance at For more information, call North Royalton Recreation Department member Jason Swim at 440-237-5645.
The registration fee for the 5K is $20. The one-mile walk with Dr. Harpreet Singh from University Hospitals has no fee, but a canned food donation is suggested.
Representatives from Southwest General Health Center, University Hospital Parma Medical Center and various health and fitness vendors will be at the health fair, running from 8 a.m. to noon. Free health, vision and fitness screenings will be available, including body fat analysis, blood pressure screenings, pain management information, and cholesterol and glucose levels.
Other highlights include the North Royalton Police, Fire and Safety departments, including the K-9 unit. City Dogs Cleveland will join them on campus, with rescue animals available for adoption.
Grand raffle basket drawings will close the event.
Dance: Join a great dance class for people with Parkinson’s in Brecksville. The class is on the second Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the second floor of the Brecksville Human Services Center.
For more information, contact instructors Fred and Dianne Discenzo at 440-526-8531. The class is free for everyone.
The Human Services Center is at 2 Community Drive. Call 440-526-2499 for directions. The next dates are Sept. 10, Oct. 8 and Nov. 12.
Garden club: Lee Paulson, Summit County Master Gardener, will present “The History and Horticulture of Spring Bulbs” at the Sept. 8 meeting of the Emerald Necklace Garden Club.
He will share information on how spring bulbs can be incorporated into residential landscapes, as well as how Greek mythology, economics, art, history, poetry and romance have been impacted by favorite spring bulbs.
The meeting takes place at Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church, 9201 Brecksville Road in Brecksville. The business meeting begins at 9:15 a.m. The speaker’s presentation is at 10 a.m.
Guests are welcome, but need to register with Julie at or by calling 330-807-9050.
Note the new ENGC website: Check the website for current information on club meetings and events. Follow ENGC on Facebook at Emerald Necklace Garden Club.
Night bites: The North Royalton Educational Foundation invites you to Friday Night Bites. Enjoy pre-game food trucks from 4 to 7 p.m. Sept. 23 at the North Royalton Middle School back parking lot. The game will be Bears vs. Bulldogs.
Golf outing: On Sept. 17, the Broadview Heights Community Foundation is hosting is first annual golf outing. Check-in time is 9 a.m., with a shotgun start at 10 a.m.
The event will take place at Briarwood Golf Club, and the golf entry fee is $500 per team. This includes a green’s fee and cart, donuts and coffee, a hot dog lunch at the turn, dinner, a golfer gift bag and beverages.
Sign-up and payment deadline is Sept. 10.
For more information or to sponsor this event, go to or contact George Heinemann at, 440-779-1021, or David Belisario at, 440-241-6135.
Behind the scenes: “Behind the Scenes of Brecksville Landscapes” is the theme for the Chippewa Garden Club’s presentation at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27.
Joe Dwyer, horticulturist for the City of Brecksville, will present a Power Point show on Brecksville’s horticultural projects for 2022 and will include how his team manages these projects. Come for an enlightening evening.
The meeting will be held in the Brecksville Human Services Building, 2 Community Drive in Brecksville. The Human Services Building is in the back of the Brecksville Community Center.
Guests are always welcome. RSVP to Noreen at For more information, visit or Facebook for garden articles and the club’s activities.
White coat: Sarah Zimmerli of North Royalton was among 42 students at the University of Findlay who recently received a crisp, white lab coat at the College of Pharmacy’s White Coat Ceremony.
The ceremony signifies the students’ entrance into the third year of the six-year program, which is the first year of professional courses in the College of Pharmacy.
Let the Brecksville, Broadview Heights and North Royalton communities know what is going on with your organization, church, school, business or family. Email me at
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