Cool company benefits: The most-loved unique benefits you can offer | HR Morning – Hr Morning

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Looking to up your benefits program? Take some hints from a recent Reddit thread of the coolest, most unique benefits that users have at their workplace.
When you hear “benefits,” paid time off (PTO) and holidays are probably at the forefront of your mind. But these benefits are a little more out-of-the-box than your regular flex days and shortened workweek. If you’re looking for some extra time-off perks, consider implementing these unique benefits:
Wellness efforts are on the rise for employers to help keep the workforce happy and healthy. Wellness doesn’t always have to look like mindfulness resources and a focus on culture, though. There are some unique benefits out there that can help improve employee wellness. You may want to try: 
Finances can take a huge mental toll on your employees. Struggling employees may be more prone to stress and therefore less engaged in work. Offering financial benefits can help employees feel secure, such as:  
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