Axon releases a new set of Axon Aid Wellness videos on spousal networks and support –

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EMS Burnout Repair Kit: Webinar #3 – A whole body approach to physical health
EMS Burnout Repair Kit: Webinar #3 – A whole body approach to physical health
Burnout Repair: A whole body approach to physical health

Axon is excited to release a new set of Axon Aid Wellness videos on spousal networks and support. Each video offers insight into the responsibilities and experiences that come with being the spouse of a first responder.
First responders are uniquely affected by their experiences at work, which can affect family life as well. We hope these videos will be an asset to you, your family and community.

Please visit the new Axon Aid resources page to discover more of the information available to you, with topics ranging from family interaction to getting involved in local government.

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Axon is a network of devices, apps and people that helps public safety personnel become smarter and safer. With a mission of protecting life, our technologies give customers the confidence, focus and time they need to keep their communities safe. Our products impact every aspect of a public safety officer’s day-to-day experience.
We work hard for those who put themselves in harm’s way for all of us. To date, there are more than 397,800 software seats booked on the Axon network around the world and more than 223,000 lives and countless dollars have been saved with the Axon network of devices, apps and people.
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