Health & Wellness Center in Rusoma inaugurated | MorungExpress | – Morung Express

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USAID team along with the villagers and health workers in Rusoma.

Kohima, April 13 (MExN): The Health & Wellness Center (HWC) – Rusoma, Kohima was inaugurated by Director (Health Office) USAID, Sangita Patel on April 13. Apart from other infrastructural contribution, Rusoma villagers have also constructed community kitchen for the HWC-SC, a press note from NHM Nagaland stated. 
Addressing the villagers and department officials present, Sangita acknowledged the commendable support and participation towards the department in the development of Rusoma- HWC since 2019. “Such kind of partnership between the government and community can be shared with other States and can be taken as a model for them,” she said. 
Dr Thorhusie Katiry, Mission Director, National Health Mission, Nagaland said that with the Health Unit being converted to HWC, the health services have improved with increased OPD, commencement of institutional delivery. In this few years of Ayushman Bharat, HWC and with the placement of Community Health Officers (CHOs) in the HWC, it has brought about quality health care closer to the people, he stated.
Dr Katiry urged upon the villagers to take advantage of the HWC and the services rendered through it, and most importantly give their full support to the team posted there.  
State Program Officer, NHM, Dr Mereninla Senlem, in her welcome address expressed gratitude towards the community for their strong participation in the running of the HWC and vote of thanks was delivered by Kehouchukhrie Mezhier, Village Council Chairman, Rusoma. 
Sangita Patel was accompanied by Dr Anuradha Jain, Technical Advisor, Health System Strengthening, USAID, Vijay Paul Raj, Reproductive Health & Family Planning Advisor, USAID and Dr Jatin Dhingra, Lead Innovation, NISHTHA Jhpiego, New Delhi. 
NISHTHA/Jhpiego from USAID Mission India have been a core partner with the State since the beginning of Ayushman Bharat- HWC initiative and played a pivotal role in supporting the State in achieving the target being given by GoI. NISHTHA has been supporting the State in digital interventions like Naga Telehealth, Tele Track & iLearn and also provided tremendous support in COVID-19 initiative.
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The Morung Express
The Morung Express is a people-oriented alternative newspaper based in Nagaland that was conceived from the Naga people’s historical realities and is guided by their voices and experiences. It emerged from the well-recognized concept that the core of a free press is based on “qualitative and investigative” journalism. Ensuring this is essential for contributing to an informed Naga public that makes sound decisions on issues that affect all spheres of life.


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