5 winter break survival tips | Health & Wellness Services – CU Boulder Today

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For many of us, winter break brings much needed relief, but it can also be a source of stress or anxiety. Whether you’re looking forward to winter break or dreading it, here are a few survival tips to help you make the most of December.
Boundaries can help provide structure and allow us to maintain healthy relationships. If you’re planning on visiting friends or family over break, it can be helpful to set boundaries and expectations up front. Let people know what your plans are, including how long you plan to be around and how much one-on-one time you expect to spend together.
This is also a great time to discuss your family’s expectations for you while you’re at home. For instance, you may be expected to follow a curfew, help with chores, attend certain events or take on other responsibilities. Having a conversation in advance can help you avoid unwanted tension and create a more positive experience at home over break.
Winter break can be a great time to unwind after a long semester. However, the transition between college and home may feel abrupt. Significant changes to our usual routines and schedules can make it hard to adjust.
That’s why it’s important to get into a routine. A good way to get started is by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night will help you feel more rested. It can also help improve your memory, mood and immune system.
It may also be helpful to plan out your days in advance, so you can balance all of your priorities, like work, alone time and quality time with friends or family. 
Holidays can be stressful, especially if we have had negative experiences in the past. Prepare for stressful or anxious situations by brainstorming coping strategies and positive outlets for your stress ahead of time. Some healthy strategies include physical activity, connecting with friends,  mindfulness practices (e.g. guided meditations, mindful walking, etc.), cooking or getting outside. Explore different options to figure out what works best for you.
It’s also important to be mindful of our alcohol and substance use. During times of high stress, some of us may turn to alcohol, marijuana or other substances as a way to relax or relieve stress. However, research shows that substance use can cause more stress and unwanted impacts in the long run. Instead, stick to the healthy alternatives you identified above.
Whether you set New Year’s resolutions or not, break can provide us with time to reflect on our accomplishments and look forward to what the upcoming semester or year has to hold.
​ Looking back
Think back on your accomplishments or things you’ve overcome this year and write down the things you are most proud of. This could include doing well on finals, successfully changing your major, making new friends or simply getting through a tough time. Take a moment to celebrate all of the things that you did this year, no matter how small.
 Looking forward 
Think about what you hope to accomplish over the next few months. Perhaps you’d like to improve your grades, land an internship or job, be more active or become more involved on campus. Identify your goals and break them down into manageable steps. For instance, if your goal is to land an internship, think about the things you’ll need to do to get there like exploring career paths, researching companies, creating or updating your resume, etc. Create a timeline for yourself of when you’d like to complete each task and remember to celebrate milestones on the way to your end goal.
Most importantly, winter break is a time to reset and feel refreshed. Make time to focus on yourself and your needs. Practice self-care, dive into your hobbies or get out and try something new.
If you’re struggling to cope over winter break or need support, there are a number of resources available to students during break.
Available to students in Colorado      Available to in-state and out-of-state students
  Mental health crisis support
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides 24/7 crisis support for students who need same-day crisis or urgent support.
Please note: Crisis care should not be used for life-threatening emergencies.
  Let’s Talk
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides free drop-in services through Let’s Talk. Counselors are available in person and online to help provide insight, solutions and information about additional resources related to academics, stress, anxiety, substance use, relationships and more.
  Ask an Advocate
Ask an Advocate counselors can help provide insight and information about rights and options related to traumatic experiences. People visit with questions about various topics, including Title IX, discrimination, sexual assault, intimate partner abuse, experiences of bias, harassment, stalking, assault, and other crimes or traumatic experiences.
Food assistance
Feed the Stampede provides food assistance programs for the University of Colorado Boulder. They work to ensure students experiencing any level of food insecurity have the necessary knowledge, resources and access to enough food to meet their needs in an emergency or on-going basis.
  Health insurance support
Administrative Services oversees all aspects of medical insurance, billing and medical records at CU Boulder. They can help you navigate your insurance plan and find local providers for students with the CU Boulder Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) regardless of where you are over break.
  Collegiate Recovery Center (CUCRC)
The CUCRC provides community, support and connection for students in recovery or seeking recovery from a wide range of behaviors. They will be hosting virtual recovery and support meetings weekly throughout winter break.
  Medical Services
Medical Services provides comprehensive primary care on campus and via telehealth. Students can schedule an appointment online or call the 24/7 NurseLine at 303-492-5101 to get support and advice after-hours.
Recreation Center
The Main Student Recreation Center will be open throughout winter break with adjusted hours for holidays. They will also be hosting a Winter Break Appreciation Week for all Buff OneCard holders to enjoy The Rec and activities for free.
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